Happy Birthday Kobi Farhi !!!


Orphaned Avi (not drumer)
Sep 18, 2002
Happy birthday dear beloved brother !!!
An Amazing man who`s words, voice and inner faith have touch us in verious ways
We love you a whole looooooooot !!!!!!
Have a perfect birthday !! may all your wishes and dreams, I wish you a wonderful, creative, world-wide touring year, a year of health and oceans of love!!!
Happy Birthday Kobi !!!!:hotjump:
I Wish You The Best In Your Life !!! :Spin:
May God Always Bless You And Give You Health And Happiness , The Heaven Send Gifts!

Happy Birthday Kobi! All my best wishes! Late as usually, but still sincere! :)

P.S. Danilo (Ancient) would still like to contact You... so if You'd like his e-mail add, just let me know... ;)
Happy Birthday my beloved brother and everlasting voice of the storm!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Wish you all the best for you, your family and to a succesfull carrier with Orphaned Land!!! Happiness and health to follow you to your life's path...may the raindrops and the flesh cold icy mountain water always bloom the desert flowers of your life...
My deepest love to the man who tries to make this world a better place to live in, and always breath the fresh air of hope!!!
Hail to a great spirit, soul and mind!!! :worship: :)
Happy birthday Kobi..Hope We'll hear your beautiful voice for years and years :worship: :hotjump: Thanks God for giving you to all of us :Spin:
Hey Kobi, this is Milton your Orphaned Brother from Brazil (who lives in the states, and obviously you know who =P )

I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!! And hope to see you soon in Brazil and in the USA!

