Happy Birthday Larry!


a prophet in cosmology
Feb 7, 2003
Mercer Island, WA
Hey Larry, I hope you have a great birthday - you deserve it. :)

Hey guys, thank you very much for the thread and comments. I'm home now, it's in the late afternoon. I wish I had better things to say but basically I wasted my time at the hospital where they did pretty much nothing for me. I do however have x-rays now of my kidneys and I have to bring them to my urologist in a couple of days (that's the soonest they can get me in heh) and we'll take it from there. Meantime I'm just taking some pain medication and trying to stay somewhat comfortable. Needless to say, not much of a happy birthday, but that's how it goes sometimes. I really appreciate your comments, it cheers me up a bit. I'll let everyone know how it all turns out. Meanwhile I'm just getting bedrest and taking it easy. Take care everyone.