Happy Birthday Moony!!!

Damn, damn, damn! Why is it every time I vanish for a few days someone has a birthday? Must organise myself better next year.

Anyway, many happy returns to my favourite diva, and here's to fame, success and unimaginable wealth in the year ahead :).

What I'm wondering is how everyone knows when everyone's birthday is? Do they have it in their diaries? Is there a thing here where a message pops up when a chosen person celebrates the anniversary of their exodus from their mother's tummykins? Or do people just have really, really good memories?
Yes, but do people do that every day? Or is it just blind luck that someone has a look and it's someone's birthday? :) Or do they say, "Ooh, it's Moonchild's's birthday in a few days time, I shall have to remember that!"? Because that seems like quite a bit of effort. :)
I usually see it at the bottom of the forum index :) That's where i saw this one hehe.

Either that or sometimes I know if I have the person on ICQ coz it gives me a birthday reminder thing lol.

I memorised Tania's birthday so I didn't get a beating if I forgot it! She's a nasty one, that Moon Child... you just all better watch out! ;)

(Hmmm... I'm thinking *I'd* better watch out now after saying that! HAHA! Gotta go! *sswwwwiiisssshhh!* :lol: :lol: )