Happy Birthday Mr. Toast =)

MiniMurray said:
Turns out the 03-03-03 trivia is:

I found another intersting Mr. Toast link for ya


Thanks all! It was a hectic day involving dental work, more than the usual insanity at work, and domain headaches (still working that one out...), but all in all I can't complain! Again, thanks!

I checked to see if Reservoir Toast was still online, but the site wasn't loading...
You miss a couple days on the boards and lookie what you miss! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOAST!!!!! Hope it was decent! Maybe they secretly lined your crown with GOLD or something yummy like that! :) 33 is the year of major change. Supposedly something of great impact on your life happens in your 33rd year of life. (good or bad)
Doodoobubbachuck said:
33 is the year of major change. Supposedly something of great impact on your life happens in your 33rd year of life. (good or bad)
Technically I guess it would be my 34th year of life since I just turned 33 in January. Anyway, I sure hope that impact is a good one, I'm over due. :ill:

* Also Happy B-day Toast! :D
Doodoobubbachuck said:
You miss a couple days on the boards and lookie what you miss! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOAST!!!!! Hope it was decent! Maybe they secretly lined your crown with GOLD or something yummy like that! :) 33 is the year of major change. Supposedly something of great impact on your life happens in your 33rd year of life. (good or bad)

33 was a few years ago for me... I moved to Tennessee a little over a year after that!

Again, thanks for the BDay wishes. Remember, Wanda has a birthday coming up this month too!!! She's not a fishy though, she's one of those Aries(?) peple - I think that's the next sign...