Happy Birthday, nafnikufesin!!

nafnikufesin said:
Hey, thanks everyone!

It's been a good birthday so far...Antonio gave me a big smile, and now I've got the first three seasons of Family Guy to work through. Then, of course, there's the beer drinking that will come with the party on Saturday night :D

I'm going to the Great American Beer Festival on Saturday! :headbang:
I'll have a couple 1 once samples for you!
dutchy said:
tell all about this, we don't have that in Holland, does it involve girls, music and beer??

It envolves beer, beer, and beer. The girls are just the ones who work at the sampling areas, and there isn't any music...
....oh, and I sure won't be driving! It's a tradition. My friend, his father-in-law and Aunt/Uncle-in-law get dropped off by my friend's wife and her mom.
Then they go do something really fun like go shopping while we sample TONS of beer. And then they pick us up.
I am even taking a Personal Holiday on Sunday (when I usually work) to recover. :D
ThraxDude said:
It envolves beer, beer, and beer. The girls are just the ones who work at the sampling areas, and there isn't any music...
....oh, and I sure won't be driving! It's a tradition. My friend, his father-in-law and Aunt/Uncle-in-law get dropped off by my friend's wife and her mom.
Then they go do something really fun like go shopping while we sample TONS of beer. And then they pick us up.
I am even taking a Personal Holiday on Sunday (when I usually work) to recover. :D
beer , beer , beer , think I like it!!!