Liverslapper w00t Oct 17, 2005 10,248 3 38 37 Kinnear, Wyoming May 10, 2011 #1 Shannorz! Happy Birthday!
El Stormo Member Mar 20, 2003 11,900 63 48 43 Flanders - Belgium May 10, 2011 #2 Have a good one, chica!
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 May 10, 2011 #5 *picks up the tiny lady and dances*
fading Graphic Designer Mar 20, 2002 1,446 4 38 59 oak harbor, wa May 10, 2011 #6 Happy B-Day!!
Altitudes Stay Frosty Jun 18, 2007 6,870 2 38 34 California May 10, 2011 #7 Happy birthday Shannon! You are a very nice and kind lady (stop that!)
~Lynn~ Bah... Apr 14, 2008 2,345 66 48 lalalalalala land May 11, 2011 #8 HAPPY BIRFDAY!!!1 *steals coffee pot*
Morganna Member Jun 20, 2007 4,244 0 36 50 Athens Ohio May 12, 2011 #9 Thanks guys! <3 big ass hugs. Gonna have a later birthday celebration due to some busy stuff, but still living over here. Will let you know the festivities when they happen. OH and I got Labyrinth on blue ray! Giant crotch bump in HD! Nothing like balls in spandex! *steals coffee pot back from Lynn* MINE!
Thanks guys! <3 big ass hugs. Gonna have a later birthday celebration due to some busy stuff, but still living over here. Will let you know the festivities when they happen. OH and I got Labyrinth on blue ray! Giant crotch bump in HD! Nothing like balls in spandex! *steals coffee pot back from Lynn* MINE!
Karmic speedy meatmonger Jun 9, 2002 9,368 113 63 39 Gothenburg, Sweden Visit site May 12, 2011 #10 HEY SHANNON WATCH HIM HANDLE THOSE BALLS also happy belated