Happy Birthday Spawn!

holy shit you actually made me choke on phlegm from laughing at your 'go to hell spawn' post.

It just sounded so funny after all the other posts.

oh yeah, happy birthday
Thanks all :rock:

Blitzy, we just think so much of you that we cant stop talking about you!
Bloody hell, I should be so lucky! ;)

Hope you had a good'un, Spawnos Micklopoulos. You couldn't stay 25 though, could you? You just had to be one step ahead of me. I dunno, some people.

I tried, its like trying to stop the tide wiping out your sandcastle. Nothing seems to work! :cry:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPAWNY! :) Hope this year is great for you. With the opening of Glamtopia I'm sure you'll have too much money and too many women that you won't know what to do with it all!