Happy Birthday, ThraxDude!!!

Thanks everyone! I had a lot of beer and Jack Daniels at Dave and Buster's last night with some friends/family.
I think I'm still drunk. I'm drinking a lot of water now so I'll be good to see SLAYER tonight! :headbang:
I took a vacation this week. It's been great! Thanks again!
I took a peak at Slayers set-list over on the Pantera board: I think you'll be very pleased!!! Is your Slayer show outdoors or inside??? I'm really looking forward to seeing Slayer at an open-air venue. I just hope it is stormy and cloudy and all that stuff when they play!! It would just be right. I swear on my Masonic Bible that this is a true story, and my friend Heather will verify. One of the very first times her and I went out was back in 1998, the day I got "Diabolus" and as a joke, I had a Jesus air freshener on the dashboard of my car. (The joke came from that Clutch song that goes "Jesus on the dashboard!!!") Well anyway, I put Diabolus in, cranked it, and my Jesus just happened to come unglued and fall flat on his face when Slayer came on the stereo! Heather freaked, she thought it was funny, but also that Slayer must truly be devil music. I also thought it was kind of scary, but cool.
It is inside. I saw Sepultura once at Red Rocks (outside) and when they were on there were storm clouds and a lot of wind. Some papers and trash and dust was flying around and Max, Andreas, and Paulo's hair was blowing as they head-banged. It was fucking beautiful.
Another time I saw Iron Maiden and Halford at Red Rocks. It was raining off in the distance, and when Halford came out there was a big rainbow in the distance, behind the stage. I thought that was appropriate.:)
That's a fucking cool Slayer story. Like you said scary but cool.
Also, another cool story, 4 of us were on the way to see Maiden, in 1999. We went thru a Taco Bell on the way to Cleveland, and you know how they have the bright red LED screen that shows your cost and your change, well, the guy in front of us ordered $6.66 worth of food. That was damn eerie. We were like "look, Eddie Maiden and Vic Rattlehead are in the car in front of us!" Strange but true, a few hours later we were singing "Six: Six, Six! The number of the beast!!!"
TD said:
I took a peak at Slayers set-list over on the Pantera board: I think you'll be very pleased!!! Is your Slayer show outdoors or inside??? I'm really looking forward to seeing Slayer at an open-air venue. I just hope it is stormy and cloudy and all that stuff when they play!! It would just be right. I swear on my Masonic Bible that this is a true story, and my friend Heather will verify. One of the very first times her and I went out was back in 1998, the day I got "Diabolus" and as a joke, I had a Jesus air freshener on the dashboard of my car. (The joke came from that Clutch song that goes "Jesus on the dashboard!!!") Well anyway, I put Diabolus in, cranked it, and my Jesus just happened to come unglued and fall flat on his face when Slayer came on the stereo! Heather freaked, she thought it was funny, but also that Slayer must truly be devil music. I also thought it was kind of scary, but cool.

Man, nothing will ever beat Slayer's last album coming out on 9/11/01...
Thank you!

bRaT- How long did it take you to find this fuckin thread?

Lone Justin- Check the date of this thread......not the month, the fucking year, brother!