Happy birthday to Mike Pinnella :)

Jax said:
They do what works for them; not all of them are computer geeks. Sorry you don't approve.

I don't think posting to a forum once in a awile makes anyone a computer geek. For example, that wouldn't hurt much, if Romeo posted something to the Ask Romeo thread after he'd be done with composing on laptop. The again I'm not sure he has internet connection on the tour bus, lol.
Progbass said:
I don't think posting to a forum once in a awile makes anyone a computer geek. For example, that wouldn't hurt much, if Romeo posted something to the Ask Romeo thread after he'd be done with composing on laptop. The again I'm not sure he has internet connection on the tour bus, lol.

Did you not read that interview posted the other day? Leave them alone, they barely have time to scratch their heads.
Happy birthday to Mike Pinnella. Thanks for the music, both with SymX and solo, and thanks for everything! :)
Progbass said:
I don't think posting to a forum once in a awile makes anyone a computer geek. For example, that wouldn't hurt much, if Romeo posted something to the Ask Romeo thread after he'd be done with composing on laptop. The again I'm not sure he has internet connection on the tour bus, lol.

What I mean is that not all of them even have a computer at home, or the desire to use one. Can we stop the crapping on Pinnella's birthday thread now? Thanks. :)
Happy birthday man. I hope your keyboard volume and composing comes a few steps ahead in the next album. Cause your solo album is great.