Happy Birthday to Mr. Gold

Vex Loser

Negative Vibe Merchant
Jul 12, 2004
Somewhere in Texas
Have a good one, laddy - I hope your day is filled with much metal, alcohol consumption, good times, and other such pleasantries. Thank you for continuing to be such an inspiration to the rest of us underlings out there. Cheers...:kickass:
I'll post here what I posted on his facebook wall :p

"Have a great one man! I really can't think of having a birthday better than in Finland, surrounded by awesome people, metal, and beer. Seriously, what more can one ask for? Have fun!"
Happy Birthday to Mr. Gold
Have a good one, laddy - I hope your day is filled with much metal, alcohol consumption, good times, and other such pleasantries.

Thanks for the good wishes guys! I do always appreciate these things. However, this year's DG b-day was rather low-key (at least compared to the rest of my time in Finland so far). Truth be told, my birthdays have always seemed to have been a more somber affair, less about celebratory drink fests and more about acknowledging that another year has gone by, making a reference of where I am and planning where I would like to be in another year. For example, I quit my job at Roland last year on the morning of my 27th birthday, and by Canada day I had started working a new job on a one year contract in Seoul, Korea. A year later, here we are and in much better shape. Even in those desperate times, I had a plan, and I'm happy to report that as crazy as it might have seemed, it worked and it was a success! :) Let me tell you that celebrating my 28th b-day in Finland (where I have been dreaming of visiting for the past decade) with this last year behind me was much, much easier than the decisions I was having to make a year ago. A lot can happen in a year, and this last year has felt like a whole new, different lifetime altogether! Almost needless to say, my 27th year was a strange one, maybe the strangest one I will ever have. To me it often felt like a one year 'break' between my past and my future. Or, otherwise it could be seen as simply a quick and drastic change of direction at a pivotal moment in time, to say that this year wasn't a 'break' at all, but instead the dawn of a whole new beginning. There were lots of ups and downs of course, and most of my time being spent far out of reach of my comfort zone (there's this motivational quote about 'Do one thing everyday that scares you.', and I basically did that everyday, for a year.). I always intentionally kept myself very busy out there, and often to the point of exhaustion and illness (NOT recommended!), but despite my obligations, I always seemed to have lots of alone time and time to think at the end of the day. As well as everything else, being alone and thinking for myself was also what I needed to do. The only thing I wanted to 'rush into' was my own independence and now that I have that, it's time to grab life by the balls again!!! :heh: Overall, 27 was easily my most exciting and rewarding year to date, but here's to 28! It's all about reinvention, man, and I am still reinventing! You ain't seen nothin' yet!

Thank you for continuing to be such an inspiration to the rest of us underlings out there. Cheers...

Well, anyone who knows me or visits this forum knows that's not at all how I see things (ref: the listeners as 'underlings'), but I am always happy to hear that I've inspired others in some way and I hope to be able to serve as even more inspiration in the future!

At this time, I feel very much 'away', removed from my involvement in the metal world and my correspondence with the people in it. It's only been a year, but to me, I feel like I've been gone for a really, really long time. However, that's all about to change again upon my return to Canada in July to resume work on the future of WOODS OF YPRES and give immediate focus to my new drumming gig with GATES OF WINTER. In my recent experience of picking up the pieces of a former life and building a new one, I've proven to myself that it indeed can be done, with a little patience. It took a whole year of being removed from my environment to help me determine who I've become and where I truly belong, now. After a year in exile, It will be nice to finally come home.

Greetings from a little cottage on the lake in Kajaani, Finland (just a few kms from where the band 'Nightwish' lives)! Stand tall and give 'em hell out there!!! Have a killer summer and be in touch to tell me about it!!!

DG - \w/ :kickass:

Lastly...these: öäåÖÄŤ :)