Happy Birthday to...

Oh, and the little finnish made me a present last night...


May you have everything you wish for. :)
:Spam: Ormir is a spam-superstar. Oh well, I guess *one* day every year can be tolerated.

Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Enjoy yourself :)
That sounded like you're encouraging me to spend the entire day masturbating violently? :err:

@rahvin: Never shorten my name to "o". :grim:

@TMI: Oh yes, great band.

@Miolo: Thnx.

@Siren: I thought I only left you with serious mental problems?
As for what I'm getting, take a look at the beast here: http://www.robwesley.com/guitars/Epiphone S-600 black strat-style.jpg
Happy B-Day Ormir
Heh heh, you people said masturbation (there should be a thread about that... or not :p ).

Happy birthday, Ormir! May you get lots of weapons for your birthday! :)
Hyvää syntymäpäivää!!!
You northernplakmetal Beast. :)

btw..are you willing to spend your money for a gig of DT???
and may this song with crappy sound quality be dedicated for your memory...
NP:Enochian Crescent - Kun ihmisliha itki (onnesta)
Hails from the mighty forest trolls of the north! May the song ring loud for you and may churches burn in your name!

Oh yeah and happy birthday :p
@Thanatos: You know us hunks couldn't spend the day masturbating if we wanted to. It's simply ridiculous.

@Hiljainen: Thnx.

@DoAsISay: Thnx (original messages deserve original replys :p).

@Mel: Happy blackmetal life.

@mouse: I didn't get weapons, but I got a car registry plate. Well, more like took...

@Real: I'm *willing* to spend money on DT gig, but I decided to get a new guitar. I'll learn all of their songs while waiting for them to come to Finland. Enochian Crescent on murhaa perkele!

@Rei: That "thing" is scary. :confused: Can I sodomize it?

@final visor: Hello newb, I think you should stay here a bit longer before you pretend to know me :p

@Staeticer: Thnx.

@Nick: Thnx.