Happy Birthday Warrel!

neal said:
whatever dude. im sure when billy's birthday comes along you'll be the first one making a thread to wish him a good one so shut the fuck up douchebag.
Thank you Neal. This is why I've been avoiding this place, I deal with enough dipshits at my job and the forums I run, don't need it in my few hours of free time.
he made a sarcastic remark implying "oh my god, who cares? you kids are dumb for posting happy birthday" i think the wd buttkissing is funny too, but he's a jerk and is guilty of kissing other's asses too. AND he comes here acting all friendly while talkin shit about the board on the milano board, which i dont care about, but he is a sycophant and a hypocrite so he can eat a big bowl of dicks.