Happy birthday Zodijackyl

solefald said:

Im not playing the grammar/foreign langauge-professor:Saint:but normaly we say "Alles Gute zum Geburstag":) in germany

Happy birthday Mikael Stanne

Aber mein ist es geht. Ah whatever.

Thanx for the correction Mr.Solefald :) .

"Alles Gute zum Geburtstag" Mr. Mikael.
RampageSword said:
You can hear it echo back from the ages past,
You can hear it scream its wisdom even today,
The voice that unleashed chaos,
The voice that faced heaven itself,
The voice that went with the tide and left for the sound,
The voice that was solid yet everchanging,
The voice that invited the dark side in,
The voice that saw the bearings of disaster,
The voice that will not be made a mockery,
The voice that gathered minds and souls,
You can hear it resonate

Happy birthday Mikael!!:kickass:

i agree with the others, this was great! :kickass: :kickass: (seems like i'm in a metal frenzy this morning)
Well, it's been two days now, so even if he did puke, I presume he stopped somewhere around 20 hours ago...If not, the man should be brought to a hospital right this instant.
Tritonus said:
You would think he would have developed a final resistance by now...

:lol: LOL LOL LOL !!!

Mikael's Final Resistance

Chapter One

Even though Mikale had :kickass: and :rock: a lot, he obtainbed the magical powers of the Skydancers, hence he will never die becuase of being drunk.

The end.


Well, it's been two days now, so even if he did puke, I presume he stopped somewhere around 20 hours ago...If not, the man should be brought to a hospital right this instant.

:hypno: agreed. But he does have the Skydancer's powers, so worry you must not, my young Padawan.


Yeah, all these gastronomical ass-umptions are out of date

:rolleyes: :lol: :p
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Chapter One

Even though Mikale had :kickass: and :rock: a lot, he obtainbed the magical powers of the Skydancers, hence he will never die becuase of being drunk.

The end.

Maybe that beer was anti-any-form-of-divinity, you know, a beer fit for a Skydancer, and he would be half-dead drunk. :p
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
:hypno: agreed. But he does have the Skydancer's powers, so worry you must not, my young Padawan.

You call me Padawan one more time and I'll have Chuck Norris roundhouse you back to the stone age.