Happy christmas + new year


Oct 19, 2003
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A Happy Christmas and all the best for 2005 to SAXON and saxon fans worldwide,

Heres hopeing for a great year for saxon, looking forward to seeing them in march in the uk.

Christmas wish for saxon would be, for saxon to keep on rockin to the magic 30 year mark and at LEAST another 2 more studio albums and bucket loads of new dvds.

Rock on saxon your our NO 1. :worship: :rock:
Merry Christmas and happy new year, and stay heavy cause the 2005 will be a very metallic here with a new Saxon DVD(hopefully) and the new Priest album,and other good stuff..


saxon747rock said:
A Happy Christmas and all the best for 2005 to SAXON and saxon fans worldwide,

Heres hopeing for a great year for saxon, looking forward to seeing them in march in the uk.

Christmas wish for saxon would be, for saxon to keep on rockin to the magic 30 year mark and at LEAST another 2 more studio albums and bucket loads of new dvds.

Rock on saxon your our NO 1. :worship: :rock:

Where are they playing in March?
Paxoman said:
A bunch of German dates, Belgium and Holland. And in this country - Nottingham, Dudley, Bradford and Edinburgh. The dates are on the tour dates section Eorl.
Yeah, sorry mate, wasn't thinking.

Some people have been muttering about Wolverhampton as a venue...Any info on that?
Merry Christas and a happy new year right?! Lots of luck and hapiness in 2005 and of course > 2005:) cheers!!!! Make some nice sommer-winter-wende fires :hotjump:
My kids are asleep... dreaming of Santa......
We danced to the Chronicals video while decorating the tree.
What a great holiday... Cheers to you all.
In my house we get a tree from the street vendors on Christmas eve. We decorate it and do the kids presents in the morning, and have a good meal and smile. It al comes down soon after. We have an interfaith home so Jewish and Christian get all shared. Candles last week and tree this week. Lionheart rules!. See you on tour!

saxon747rock said:
A Happy Christmas and all the best for 2005 to SAXON and saxon fans worldwide,

Heres hopeing for a great year for saxon, looking forward to seeing them in march in the uk.

Christmas wish for saxon would be, for saxon to keep on rockin to the magic 30 year mark and at LEAST another 2 more studio albums and bucket loads of new dvds.

Rock on saxon your our NO 1. :worship: :rock:
Like wise, Mr Day!

Rest assured, I will be attending one of the UK gigs (Dudley) and it would be cool to see some fellow forum buddies there!

2005 is shaping up nicely already! As well as the Saxon gig, me and a couple of mates are making it to the Priest gig at the Birmingham NEC in March!

Mveneck - I did my wrapping to the vibes of 'Lionheart' and 'Denim & Leather'.
I also recently got all the remastered Priest stuff and realised that 'Evening Star' from 'Killing Machine' makes a Great Xmas song!

I Wish You A Metal Christmas,
I Wish You A Metal Christmas,
I Wish You A Metal Christmas,
And A Rockin' New Year,

Good Tidings And Noise,
From Biff And The Boys,
They Wish You A Metal Christmas,
And A Rockin' New Year,
Eorl said:
Yeah, sorry mate, wasn't thinking.

Some people have been muttering about Wolverhampton as a venue...Any info on that?
Haven't heard anything about a Wolverhampton date mate. I shouldn't think they would do another one there though seeing as they have already played there on this tour. But there is another date in the UK dates in March that is 'tbc', so it will be interesting to see where that is. Hopefully Manchester!

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