Happy Father's Day :)


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Just wanted to extend warm wishes for a most fantastic Father's Day to all of the fathers and father figures here..enjoy your day, gentlemen! :)
Thanks Jax,

The family broke in our tent trailer in another set of mountains down here in So. Cal. Finished the weekend off with a couple of cold beverages :kickass: last night with my wife. A good father's day all around, I am blessed!
I (actually the GF and I) went up to Carson City to hang with my Dad. Here are some pics...




We were trying to battle-zero my Garand at 100 yards, which we were not quite able to do as it's really designed to Battle-zero at 300yds. I found out that I would actually need a taller front sight in order to do so, so we just got as close as we could and used "Kentucky windage" after that. My cousin was there as well with his arsenal-O-guns, so I also shot a Glock .40 cal, some crazy competition .45 cal, a 45-70 lever-action rifle with a scope (hit a golf ball at 50 yds and the thing disappeared), and finally his crazy mutt of an AR-15, which actually shoots a 6.8mm (.273cal I think) and has parts from about 7 different manufacturers. Oh, and he's a US Marine and a gunsmith to boot:rock:

Good times!

Oh now that's my idea of a fun Father's Day! I was my dad's surrogate son (he only had daughters), but while there were lots of tomboyish things I did with him, he wouldn't let me near firearms. Sucks cuz I bet it would've been a blast to go to the range with him. Ah well..I ended up being a damn good shot anyway, and now my son wants to go to the range with me..w00t! ;)
Adam, since it's obvious that you did not get your height from your dad, just how tall was your mother?
Mamasan is 5'11", but her whole family is pretty tall in general. She has cousins that are 6'9", and her dad was 6'2". Oddly enough, her mother was 4'11" (no joke).

I recently discovered that my dad has a serious look-a-like in the UFC; cutman Jacob "Stitch" Duran. The resemblance is uncanny:hypno:

LOL. Yeah, I get my height from my mother's side as well. Every one of my uncles was 6'2" or taller
LOL. Yeah, I get my height from my mother's side as well. Every one of my uncles was 6'2" or taller

My whole family are short (is short?). Keeping in mind that my Dad's from Arkansas and my Mom's from Oklahoma...I don't bitch about my height too much. Hell, I'm lucky both of my eyes are the same color and I don't play the banjo while sittin' on a tree branch.

I spent Dad's day with my wife and kitties. The cats played musical chairs with my lap all day, so it was a very good day indeed. It's good to be a Dad-Cat.