Happy fuckin birthday. . .

oh think it was defintly a really great fucking birthday !!!
beginning on Friday with Kill Bill 2, drinking sth. in a café and then visiting a gig of Mario World !!! :headbang:
Going on - on Saturday we went to the Titanic City to test our heads for Sunday !! .. waiting outside of the club until Mayhem´s gig there ended.. meanwhile watching some kind of Blackmetal-slut-groupie trying to get into the Mayhem Tourbus .. lol - she finally did it, and then was sitting all alone in the bus with a lonely beer in her hand :D :D
..going on - on Sunday we catched us up with some friends to go to the Finntroll tour where Azrael, Stand Ablaze, The Wake, Ensiferum and Finntroll kicked our asses strait into hell !!! this was fucking great !!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: !!! TROLLHAMMAREN !!! (gehts fuchzg meda weida hinda, da is a schwarze tonn´n, da könnts a aier zeugs dann eini werfn.. :D )
and it ended on Monday with an Eläkeläiset concert !!! HUMPPA FOREVER !!! They were totally insane - like one of them took the microphone stand and playing !?!? (or better to say smashing) with it on his Keyboard !! :loco: (not to mention that he used his feet several times to play on teh keyboard too :D ) - btw. LAI LAI HEJ seems to be something very important in Finnland :tickled:
i hope maili did enjoy her birthday-hardcore-weekend as much is i did ;)
- but i think i already know the answer ... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: