yeh this years gonna be awesome me starting a new studie, find my own place, and lots of metal and concerts!!

btw a friend of mine was on toilet when it became 12o clock he said nobody warned him the countdown had began whahahaha
So far, so good. Bought some books, cleaned up the household, had breakfast of eggs, fruit, and coffee with the woman. Listening to a random mix of electronic music and old thrash.
Happy New Year! I spent the night at my friend's house, her husband manages a huge liquor store so we were very well stocked. She fucked up the jello shots though and we had to eat them with spoons.
I got a pic message at 11:00 that had a pic of a floor and said "this is where i will pass out tonight" called the guy back and found out he had no idea who i was.

still funny when you see it though.
i got to hang out with my aunts and my mom and dad on new years playing that game where you guess what people are and they act it out without talking and eating food from some fancy hippy deli. hella lame but i did get to play call of duty 4 which rules.
Took jumping pics, took pics of bands, partied, rocked, passed out, woke up feeling great, wrote a new song at band practice today. Not a bad way to start!