CliffBurton said:
in grade 9 we used to take pudding and smear it on the door handels, and teachers and kids would get pudding all over their hands, and we'd laugh our asses off, and they never suspected us anyay :p

I think this year is a good ol' fashioned drive by water gunnin'

I used to put super glue in all the door locks so that the teachers could never get in the class so they have to call the locksmith and school gets postponed for hours and we can just hang out outside and smoke weedz in the bathroom
Heartless_Name said:

... I know it's a day early, but Lady Laiho was too excited, she couldn't wait to show off her costume and wish everyone a Happy Halloween! Have a great one guys! :zombie: :zombie: :zombie:​

u win with spongebob XD
RiderOfJustice said:
I used to put super glue in all the door locks so that the teachers could never get in the class so they have to call the locksmith and school gets postponed for hours and we can just hang out outside and smoke weedz in the bathroom
:lol:! I think gum in the locks work too, :p (saw it on clerks :p)
RiderOfJustice said:
I used to put super glue in all the door locks so that the teachers could never get in the class so they have to call the locksmith and school gets postponed for hours and we can just hang out outside and smoke weedz in the bathroom
that doesn't work most the time
I went to a GWAR concert yesturday. Thats how I celebrated holloween.
haha it remembers me one of my art course.. argh I had to draw a fat naked lady... (3 weeks ago) and monday, I had to draw a 50 years old athletic man.. that was weird, he looked like an amerindian :zombie: and he looked at me and my friends while we drew him ''double giant :erk: :erk:''
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