Happy Halloween!!


Oct 10, 2002
AAahhh, that great spooky time of year befalls us once again :) Happy Halloween everyone!! And with a new hallows day brings forth a new question ;) What the scariest band you've ever heard? My pick is gonna have to be emperor, The song?

Alsvartr (the oath) from Anthems

Some scary shit to listen to in the dark:grin: But a good dark atmosphere ;) Whats everyone elses?:confused:
hmm...Green Carnation. Because I just got it in. :)

Happy Halloween!
So no trick-or-treaters came round last night. I had Cradle of Filth all set up to blast out as soon as the little buggers rang the bell, but no. No show. How disappointing.
Makes you wonder how they would react :D I only saw two little witches last night, Gave them thier candy bars and got the hell out of there:heh:. Maybe kids these days arent as into it as we were?:err: Makes you wonder
Originally posted by kamikaze
Makes you wonder how they would react :D I only saw two little witches last night, Gave them thier candy bars and got the hell out of there:heh:. Maybe kids these days arent as into it as we were?:err: Makes you wonder
:lol: You make it sound as if we're really old. "When I were a lad, knee high t' grasshopper..."

It's not like we're Lady's age or anything!

:lol: True, But i am old:Smug: And it does just seem like not so many kids are doing it anymore, At least here in my area:grin:
True, there seem to be less kiddies doing it. But then it might be becuase a lot of parents are more worried than parents used to be, what with the world being less safe now with increasing kidnappings, murders, rapes etc.