Happy Hallow's Eve!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I hope today is fun for all of you!
Be sure to post photos and tales from your spooky day!



My buddy Robert and his H.P. Lovecraft creation


Alucard pumpkin (I'm not sure I can actually carve it...eeeh)

Especially the new (gasp, heres my nerdiest moment) Hellsing OVA coming out in Japan right now. Based more on the manga, it fucking rules.

<3 Fansubs.
Justin downloaded the first 2 episodes of that for my birthday today! :Spin:

hoo yea! Kouta Hirano actually had something to do with it for a change! It looks soooo awesome!

The sound quality is just a little off...I'm not sure if it's the codec file Justy used or what.
And happy birthday, apparently. :p

Edit: Well, Happy birthday in 5 days, apparently. Almost everyone I know has a birthday in the last 3 days and next 2 weeks, so much money spent on crap.
I like that Alucard, too....Castlevania is the sheeeit. The music in that game is simply awesome.

And Eric...I'm not sure which team subbed this one..I'll have to ask.
Regardless, I'm going to buy it when it comes out (and not eat for a week) :p
woo, halloween. while we don't really celebrate it in sweden, and even less in China, I figured I'd try and do something today. ^^ so I'll go out with my chefs outfit from cooking class and cover it in blood or something, guess we'll see.

silly scared chinese
Snippits from my halloween party on saturday:




Most horrible thing ever - Someone smashed a near full bottle of Bacardi 151 rum all over my kitchen floor! We don't get Bacardi 151 over here, my friend had to bring it back from the states with him! I'd only had a sip from it as well :cry:
not really doing anything Hallowe'en related. classes. going to a poetry reading tonight, though. i have to go out and buy more candy since my room mate doesnt have enough to hand out.

oh yeah, and when i walked up here from lunch, i walked past the cart with all of the janitor's stuff, and sitting on it was a bottle of Crystal Lake-brand water. that was mildly amusing.

My neighbours look at me, as if i'm not from this planet...
I guess i suck at being a good Dutchie :Smug:

Happy Halloween!

I've j&#250;st been harrassed, at my frontdoor!
"CANDY OR YOUR LIFE!", the 3 critters yelled.
I just gave them candy since scaring them back by yelling " THEN GIMME YOUR LIFE! " leads to nasty savage here in Holland!
*Last night some guy got terrorised by his own neighbourhood, since he didn't act scared when he got a kid at his front door that yelled: " CANDY OR YOUR LIFE! " and yelled back he would take the kid's life , instead.
Things got completely out of hand!! He got beat up and his windows got smashed.
Dutchies and foreign fashion...