Happy Hardcore (or so they call it)

from a production standpoint, i'd say for the most part its pretty solid, espicially if your new to recording. I think the bass can come up a little. The vox might be a little too loud? (screaming specifically). I was listening on some really crappy speakers last night and thats what i thought and now i just listened on some good speakers but still think the same thing. Could be in my head now though. The performance is a little sloppy but you cant help that. overall, nice job.
its weird, sometimes i think the vocals are too low and other times i think its fine. Maybe a little automation if you ever think the vocals get buried. sounds alot better to me.
The snare sounds strange???To woody and dry for my taste.
I would try to squash the vocals hard with any compressor!!!

The music is cool but a bit sloppy played.
Production is solid (but I´m listening on MBP speakers)

I am using drum samples. I was never satisfied with the snares that I found. I am planning up getting Slate Samples soon but I want to finish this CD and then go for it.

As far as the vocals go, I will compress them. Thanks.
if you have SSD why the fuck arent you using any of the snares on that?!? its quite a cool song needs less gay out of place screaming though its pretty genericore
Let me rephrase what I posted. I am not using SSD I am using SD (Superior Drummer). I read that and I was like wtf?!?, then I realized I added an extra S. Anyways, are there any good ways to not make that sneap snare suck like you guys are saying?