Happy Holidays

All the best in 2005 to everyone! If ya go out partying this weekend, don't be a dope. Get a cab (or a taxi-fuckin-VAN), like me. :tickled:

...and what IS IT with SpongeBob Squarepants? Scary. :erk:
Damnationx said:
Vito...are you grabbing your crotch or just giving a thumbs up in that picture? haha
You know what I think happened, I was probably going to scratch my nuts and then the chick taking the picture probably told me to say cheese and I kinda stopped halfway and posed for the pic. I don't even remember taking that picture really, I only remember that I used to wear that G.I. Joe outfit everywhere.
I only got to hear bits and pieces about the movie as I didn't see it yet, but the general opinion was that the unrated version was hilarious. It's the movie where Billy Bob Thornton plays a drunk mall Santa.