Happy Holidays


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all in Katagory V, I wish you all the best!!

Just wanted to also let you know Dustin that I am no longer at Seismic Radio, I quit. But I will be back on the air shortly with a pretty cool new station and some great and crazy people I have known for a long time, So you will have yet one other place to visit on the net :cool:



Thanks you guys!!! This really tugs on the ol' heart strings!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you as well!!!! You all RAWK!

BEAR - hell yeah my brotha! I am definatley going to have to check out your new station! What time are you broadcasting? I'm sorry to hear you have left Seismic, but I am glad your still going to be spining tunes for people! TYPO RADIO lives on? hehehehe!

MARK - Dude! Thanks for sending those pictures over of Curtis & Mad Martha! Thank Henry for me as well! I actually got to see them late last night! awwww... the memories! We'll have to see if Bear can host em' and post them here in the forum under a new thread titled "when animals attack!"

Jasun & Troy - It's such a treat to have you kats come and vistit our forum and leave us with such kind holiday cheer! I can tell you it made Sheri's Christams last night... as well as mine! hell yeah... it's all metal my brothas!

Originally posted by Dustin

Thanks you guys!!! This really tugs on the ol' heart strings!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you as well!!!! You all RAWK!

MARK - Dude! Thanks for sending those pictures over of Curtis & Mad Martha! Thank Henry for me as well! I actually got to see them late last night! awwww... the memories! We'll have to see if Bear can host em' and post them here in the forum under a new thread titled "when animals attack!"


No problem, Dustin. "When Animals Attack"...Bwahahahaha! :lol:
That's hilarious! Happy Holidays!
