Happy New Year to everyone!


Glorious Imperator
Oct 16, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
A Happy New Year from Stockholm, Sweden, where it's snowing and about six degrees below (Celsius). It is my hope that 2006 will bring all the best to you guys, and to PQ in particular, who deserve to get even more recognition.

A European tour wouldn't hurt now, right guys? ;)

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
I'll second that! Happy New Year Alex...and Happy New Year to all the forum regulars and PQ fans around the world!! I totally agree....a European tour would be just perfect dude!
We've had a bit of snow in the UK too....not much in Southampton but plenty in some other parts of the country.
It snowed while I was at work the other day, w00t. Been bitterly cold lately too.

Happy New Year y'all, here's to a good 'un! :kickass: