Yeah i was about to write it into my phone and send it to a few people.......Then my sister sent me that same thing

How about this one then :-

"Wishing you 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of joy, 365 days of success, 8765.81277 hours of good health, 525948.766 minutes of good luck and 3156926 seconds of love. Happy New Year!"

The worst thing is, someone has sat down with a calculator and worked that out...and worse still, I have almost (not quite, just almost!) been tempted to get my own calculator out and check if those figures are correct!! :D
How about this one then :-

"Wishing you 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of joy, 365 days of success, 8765.81277 hours of good health, 525948.766 minutes of good luck and 3156926 seconds of love. Happy New Year!"

The worst thing is, someone has sat down with a calculator and worked that out...and worse still, I have almost (not quite, just almost!) been tempted to get my own calculator out and check if those figures are correct!! :D

Lol no i didnt get that one, another one i got started up all nice and then told me to fuck off or something...nothing unusual there though for me :lol:
Same here - if there are any abusive or insulting texts going around, my "friends" always send them to me!

:lol: yeah, i used to get all those stupid forward this email to 20 people type of crap alot too from people i knew. nowadays any email with the letters FWD in the title gets deleted lol
:lol: yeah, i used to get all those stupid forward this email to 20 people type of crap alot too from people i knew. nowadays any email with the letters FWD in the title gets deleted lol

I know what you mean!! I particularly hate the ones that say "don't break the chain or something bad will happen", or, "if you send it to x amount of people, a miracle will happen". It's all total bollocks - but some people get scared by superstitious nonsense like that, don't they? :mad: I'm like you - just delete 'em and don't bother replying to the person who sent it! :lol:
I know what you mean!! I particularly hate the ones that say "don't break the chain or something bad will happen", or, "if you send it to x amount of people, a miracle will happen". It's all total bollocks - but some people get scared by superstitious nonsense like that, don't they? :mad: I'm like you - just delete 'em and don't bother replying to the person who sent it! :lol:

Yeah they are exactly the ones im talking about, its sad when you get them off friends or people you know, i mean what do they think is gonna happen to them? Really stupid and annoying!
Yeah they are exactly the ones im talking about, its sad when you get them off friends or people you know, i mean what do they think is gonna happen to them? Really stupid and annoying!

Absolutely! To be fair, it's usually people that don't know me very well (like work mates), who send me that sort of message - anyone who knows me really well wouldn't dare!! :lol: I did once get really mad (must have been hormonal!) and send a text back saying not to send me crap like that again, and if they believe that bad things would happen, they are sad!! :D

I suppose they are just a text version of a chain letter. I've never received one of those, but it would go right in the bin if I ever did.
to be fair sammi ..... you broke the chain and that person did have something happen and that was your wrath via a text....lol
3 weeks to go......yippee
to be fair sammi ..... you broke the chain and that person did have something happen and that was your wrath via a text....lol
3 weeks to go......yippee

Ahh, but it wasn't them that broke the chain, it was me (although I bet they wished they had, afterwards! lol)

Yep, 3 weeks today, we'll be sat in a pub in Sheffield right about now, having a pre-gig bevvie or three! :kickass: Looking forward to seeing everyone again, and meeting some new people from the board :headbang:

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