Happy New Year!!!


#1 Zero Hour Fan
Nov 22, 2002
Mission Viejo, CA
Well I just wanted to wish all of the ZH and DM fans as well as the bands, a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2003 is going to be the year of DM and ZH!!!!
Well, I am off to Disneyland, I am soo bumed though that my DM CD didn't show up. I was soo looking forward to listening to that on the 6 hour trip to CA. Oh well, I have something to look forward to when I get back.

Everyone be safe and lets hope good things happen for both bands this year!!!

Jay and Tro, you are the best friends a guy could have, you have a wonderful New Years and I am sure we will be talking real soon!!!

Peace out,
Bob "Buddah"

P.S. ZH and DM fans are by far the most kick ass group of people on the planet, KEEP ROCKIN!!!
Buddah YOU FUCKING RAWK!!!!!I forgot its you and Aprils thing every year to go to Disneyland, have a great time. OK I see that i'm going to have to send out the package cause Troy keeps saying he has to send you all this stuff he has in a box for you. Now I will just get on it so you have something to listen to when you get back.

Happy New Year my brotha, you're the best and say hi to April.

Happy New Year to everyone,

Wanted to say it but forgot it when I did my Buddah write up. I want to thank everyone for there constant support to us and I hope everyone has a great 2003. Let's see the horns folks, give it up now

\m/ \m/ \m/ I want all off you to throw them up!!!!!!



P.S. I know Mark and Bear will throw up the horns, they do it with every reply cause they're METAL!!!!!
\m/ \m/

I am trying to be happy but tomorrow is my last day here at Inhale, and I am kinda bummin right now. I hope something good comes out of this! Happy New Year people!

\m/(insert metal grimace face here.)\m/

Happy New Year ZH!! You guys really need to come to Utah because....because...We've still got some Osmonds left! Also, there are at least 10-12 metalheads here, including the members of Katagory V :)

Marc Hanson
Right on Mark and Bear, I knew you wouldn't let me down. Marc and Demon thanks for getting in the game my brothas, YOU RAWK. BUT I need more, Fata, Angela, Darrin, Ralf the metal-man, all of you, throw the metal signs. Make us proud cause you can't have enough METAL.

\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/

NICE isn't it.
\m/ \m/ :rock:

\m/ \m/
(here's some from Devin too, he's been making that sign and saying 'rock and roll' for a long time now. The things we teach our children! LOL)

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Great things coming this year........new Children of Bodom, new Evergrey, ZH re-release, PofO, and NEW ZH!!! What am I forgetting? :spin:

Take care,
Stacy \m/
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Is that a good start guys??? :)

I want to wish all my fellow metal heads a very safe & ROCKIN':rock: NEW YEAR!!!! We have many great CD's to look forward to in the new year!

I am very thankful to have such great cats (as Jasun & Troy) would say as friends!!

I'm getting ready to ring in the new year with my Chile brothers! A kick as* band called Magistral :rock: ! I'm sure many of you have heard of them! It should be a ROCKIN good night!



:rock: :rock: :rock:
you mean... there are still people who don't know that Imagika KICKS ASS???!!!!! :rolleyes: :rock:
Wish they'd come to Europe again, I missed them when they came on tour some years ago, forgot with whom that was... it was winter and the one night we could've gone to a show, hours away from us, was one with real bad weather conditions:(