Happy New Year


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
'Tis the last day of the year we called 2002.....time to look to the future with hope and to remember what has happened this year both good and bad.

Happy New Year to everyone who visits the forum. Have a great night tonight and all the best for 2003

Raise a tankard tonight....for the Quest must go on!
2002 wasn't the best year for me (I remember the bad bits more than the good X-P) so here's for making 2003 a rocking motherfucker! Happy New Year, dudes!
Happy New Year everybody!!!!!

I hope all of our dreams come true this year, no matter how large or small!!!!! :)

I hope Power Quest has great gigs and all the fame they can get, and that they have cuntless more victories in the arena of Metal Music like the champions they are.

Happy New Year!!!!!!!