HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all, i too secound your remark swordlord i am thankful for all the friends i have met on the forum YOUR GUYS ARE THE GREATEST. I am also thankful for my family who stand by me no matter what.
I want to see out a special thanks to all the men and women who serve in or armed forces. YOU GUYS ARE and GALS ARE MY HEROS. thank you for all the sacrifices you make everyday to ensure our freedom. Stay metal and stay cool, and keep your head down, and come home soon.

Dolamite S. Biffle said:
Happy Fucking Turkey Day!! Make sure you do it the ProgPower way with lots MMMMEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh believe me, I already did that. Last night was my traditional "Night-before-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Party" which started at 6:00pm and went until almost 6:00am! We started out with AVIAN - From the Depths of Time; drifted into BRAINSTORM, QUEENSRYCHE, ANTHRAX and we ended with ... and I sh&t you not...

EUROPE ... The Final Countdown

booB said:
Happy Fucking Turkey Day!!

I'll be eating mine, thank you very much...

LMAO!!!!!! I almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard that not to mention to spraying pepsi all over the monitor. I nominate that for comment of the year.