Happy Thanksgiving!


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
Happy Thanksgiving to the Maidens and everyone here on the boards. Hope you all have a safe trip to wherever you'll be having turkey tonight. And let's give thanks to the people and events that brought us here in the world and the Iron Maiden community.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my wonderful friends in this community and most of all to the Maidens. You've all had such a positive impact on my life and I cherish my friendship with each of you. Let this day stand as a symbol for the remembrance of the blessings you've been granted and for the hopes and dreams that you'll manifest in the future.

I love you all. Have a wonderful day. Peace.

Dennis E. Lien
Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating it today! :D Don't overindulge too much!!! ;)

Too late!! Already overindulged...eheh

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and had much to be thankful for. I know I have discovered much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to our Iraq friends who couldn't spend it with their families, you were in my thoughts and prayers.

Much love you all of you and GOD Bless...
