hard rock / grunge mix

Wow, really cool song and mix! Is it possible to get raw tracks? Would be great to practice mixing skills with so good performed song in this style:rock:
This sounds rad and super natural. The snare bottom is a little on the loud side for me but it works with the style really well and shows off the detail. Great separation but nothing sounds isolated.

Furze is the worst last name, though - literally means "fart" in german.
^"farts" actually, hella funny name indeed :lol:

Sweet mix man! maybe a bit on the thin side bass wise. You could beef up the kick a bit since the bass itself doesn't seem to bottom heavy.
"farts" hahaha.

cheers for the feedback guys. I wouldn't mind trying to sneak a bit more low end in if possible. I've got a habit of putting the bottom snare mic pretty loud, I guess its just something I naturally do.

I can upload the multi's for this but I'll only do it if there's enough demand.