Hard Rock Song with my DRUM SAMPLES

Here is a little song I mixed for a friend of mine where I completely replaced the kick and snare with Kick1A and Snare3 from my collection. I believe he used POD for the guitars, sounds pretty decent!

have you replaced real drums?

Sounds real good. any chance you will upload the pod preset?
And do you have any free(old) sampels you give away on your website?
yeah those samples really punch through this mix... I eq'd the POD guitars with Neotek hardware eq, they sound pretty decent I'd say.
Haha, it's almost funny to listen to, because the quality of the drum sounds surpasses the guitar sound so much.

I think it definitely does the job for a demo though. Drums sound great as per usual... POD sounds like... well, a POD. I think the kick maybe pumping the compressor a little too much for my own tastes, but I suppose that's all subject to opinion.
I kinda intended to make this a drum up mix because I liked the drum part and figured it would make a good audio demo. Guitars sounded a lot more POD before I eq'd em, I don't know what settings he used. This was a demo for him to have the musician's learn the parts, far from a finished production, but a cool little tune nonetheless. Thanks for checking it out
working on it now brother, few beta testers already said its pretty smokin against the competition... all my drums and cymabls are isolated and tweaked in a dedicated manner so that the individual instrument sounds good. The problem with EZ drummer and BFD and the like is that when you eq the overheads to bring out the snare, you are also eqing how the toms will sound and the cymbals etc. With my collection, given that the overhead and ambient micing is only eq'd for the particular drum or cymbal, it makes it easier to get a really huge sound that needs little to no tweaking. I'm writing an article on this now.
did you have any special offer ?
Im from sweden and would like to buy your cd, but I cant record real drums, so is it worth it to just replace the ezdrummer sounds?

will you come out with a RTAS version, or will it just be samples to work with drumagog?
The problem with EZ drummer and BFD and the like is that when you eq the overheads to bring out the snare, you are also eqing how the toms will sound and the cymbals etc. With my collection, given that the overhead and ambient micing is only eq'd for the particular drum or cymbal, it makes it easier to get a really huge sound that needs little to no tweaking. I'm writing an article on this now.


In the BFD engine you can route the snare OH to any other output. I usually route the snare OH mics to bus 1, then I route the tom OH's to bus 2, then I route the kick OH's to bus 3 (BFD gives you 3 extra stereo buses to route shit around).

This leaves only the cymbals and hats in the OH channel..

Now I have the snare OH mics on its own separate channel to do with what I please..(same with the tom OH and kick OH's)
it also leaves you with extra work and tweaking. this is NOT a bad thing and some guys dig this. Its just NOT the way I would want to program drums. Having to deal with all the extra tracks of leakage and all the extra ram, processing, routing... if you include room mics, then every snare kick and tom is 5 channels, thats already 25 channels and we haven't even popped in the dedicated cymbal OHs.

I hope you find it interesting to try to program my drums when all you have to do is hit one key, and whammo, there is your finished, mix ready drum sound. Again, the version 1 customers get it free, but all those who want to wait for 2, I'll give the sneap forum a ridiculous opening week discount. We're already starting to beta the v2 kits and its crazy how good things are sounding, can't wait for you guys to hear em.
your drums sound great man....not knocking them. Was just pointing out some of the routing options within BFD