Hardcore Mix - Joey Sturgis Samples

snare sounds like it was recorded in a rehearsal space, very papery and unexciting.
needs room. guitars are very dull. the whole thing lacks excitement.
try referencing more pro mixes you like, youll immediately hear what to improve.
overall you need more radical eqing on everything, work on reducing resonances,
try more sparkle on everything.
hope that helps!
Most of the tones sound good, it just lacks energy, punch and weight. It sounds like a metal song but it doesn't feel like one.
That's actually super helpful. Thank you very much.
I'm working on remixing it right now. I decided to change a lot.
I think it's turning out much better. I'll post the new version soon.
Hahaha that comment was amazing :rofl: thanks man.
I'm glad I was able to improve it. I'll also work on some of the stuff @sean in silence said.
@ robotlove

this sounds amazing =D

the second mix is a huge imrpovement compared to the first one ;)

could you tell what you changed ?

cause i ve got a mix that sounds similar to your first one and dunno how to improve it =)

you could do with cutting any gaps in the guitar parts so that they are neat, especialy towards the strt its a bit messy
Thanks so much for the kind words and continual input.
In regards to what I changed. I changed everything.
Drum samples, guitar amps, eq, compression.

The band should have a vocalist soon so I'll post a final mix asap hopefully.
I dig it dude. I think the guitars need to be edited a bit tighter, when the left guitar stops, the right keeps going and its a bit off-putting.

I love a recording where I cant pick the musicians faults, otherwise after a while they start to get a bit over bearing.

Probably turn down that bit around 1:35 and make the more of a 'party in the room next door' feel, rather than it being so up front. Came at me a bit hard when I first heard it, didn't really dig it.

Hope that helps!