Hardcore no vox, Crits needed !

Pretty sweet man. I love how dark it sounds, reminds me of tdwp's Zombie EP. Care to share about the guitars? Digging it all.
Pretty sweet man. I love how dark it sounds, reminds me of tdwp's Zombie EP. Care to share about the guitars? Digging it all.

Well, first for the first time with these guitars we used 13 gauge strings, (we always had bands recording with 11's but I wanted to try something different). First I used pod farm, (typical), noise gate>screamer>Cali etc..., then 2 of the best plugins I ever bought. Fab Filters Pro-Q, and Pro-L. (Eq and limiter) But that's about it!
Sounding pretty decent, I think some of the synths need a bit of work - a bit cheesy at times. I like the glitch and drop in the intro, epic
I'm trying to learn how to make synth like that too! I have found learning a lot of Cameron Mizell's productions by ear to be helpful, his compositions are excellent.
kick sounds too weak imo
also the hi-hat at 2:00 sounds way to unnatural and overpowered

overall the mix and the song are cool
would be interested to hear the final version :)