hardcore/southern/metalish band im recording


May 3, 2004
"we were gentlemen work in progress"

tracked this one last weekend, in the process of mixing it right now

gutiars are mainly through an original 5150 (which sounded better than my 6505+ i might add, which makes me mad) and we did a rhythm guitar double on a marshall dsl

drums are all programmed with samples from dfhs/my own collection/slate

the team america world police (amerrrikuhhhhhhh fuck yeahhhh!!!) vocals on the prechorus were originally a joke but we thought it sounded kinda cool and left it, im sure theyll probably have me take it out in the end though
Sounds really cool - loving the overall vibe of this. Guitars sound great, and the drums sound pretty realistic for the most part. Kick sounds a bit 'round' to me, I'd probably trigger it more or use a different sample.

The vocalist reminds me of the dude from Himsa. Like... reeeeally reminds me of him.

Those clean vocals that come in at the background... holy shit those rule!

I'm not hearing the Team America vocals, and I really wanted to. :(