Hardcore vocals recorded with an SM58 - HELP NEEDED!

Is the singer cupping the mic? Make sure he isn't.

I track vocals with a 58 pretty often and I usually boost around 5-7 K and compress the hell out of things. I'm using RVox so there is some de-essing going on, but nothing major. Make sure the singer's mic technique is decent, and use a de-esser if all else fails.
I actually use a 57 (basically the same mic) most of the time on screamers, working out well every time. Like Cory I'm using RVox on my vocals, and that's damn near it. If anything I have just a HP on the vocals if they are kinda "muddy."
the vocalist didnt cup the mic no, Ill try the suggestions you guys made and see how it sounds.

I have Rvox but non of my waves plugins work after i bought my new laptop


I think its somthing to do with it being 64bit or somthing im not sure, can anyone suggest any other decent compressors?? I just downloaded bomb factory .

Thanks everyone
the vocalist didnt cup the mic no, Ill try the suggestions you guys made and see how it sounds.

I have Rvox but non of my waves plugins work after i bought my new laptop


I think its somthing to do with it being 64bit or somthing im not sure, can anyone suggest any other decent compressors?? I just downloaded bomb factory .

Thanks everyone

If your new laptop is running Windows 7, disable internet explorer 8 and use a different browser. There is a good chance it will work then. If you have an older Waveshell, and your shit is legit, it wouldn't hurt to update the waveshell, either.