Hardline/ Axel Rudi Pell Singer Part Of Credit Card Scam!


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Mar 29, 2003
Came across this while looking on some forums. Its a couple of years old but looks pretty intense. If you take the time to read through it all (and there is a lot!) you will see that these companies that charged these poor people are owned and operated by Johnny and Joey Gieoli of Hardline. Johnny is the current lead singer of Axel Rudi Pell. I love his stuff with Pell. Makes me wonder what kind of person he is though. Anyone else heard of this?

What a coincidence. I just heard an Axel Rudi Pell song on XM last night and it finally hit me that the singer sounded just like just like the guy from Hardline. I guess it is the same guy after all.
Too bad he's a slimeball. I can't beleive he has the audacity to say that HE is the one being ripped off.