Has anyone been to Acadia National Park in Maine?

haddsie said:
There is no way in hell that you are going to be able to go into the water at this time of year. In the dead of summer if you try to go swimming at Sand Beach it takes an hour just to get into the water because it is so cold that it's painful.
yup...my dad used to take us to York Beach in the middle of the summer and the water was so cold, let's just say, the ole testicales were headed north for warmer climes :lol:






lizard said:
dude if you are nonconversant in northeast yankeespeak, don't say "Bar Harbor"....it's Baaaaa HaaaaaBaaaaa.

I worked with a woman once named Barb Barth....my coworker who was from Massachusetts called her Baaaaaaab Baaaaaaaath.:rock:

Hey Fuck You! That's how I talk. :tickled:
Practically every single person I'm related to lives in one crappy town in western Mass (which my brother calls Massive-two-shits).

One more thing I remembered about Acadia - Henry David Thoreau wrote about it ("this is the forest primeval..."), which is kind of cool

And Baaaaa Haaaaabaaaaa is a nice little town too.
We stopped there when the family took a vaction in New England when I was eleven, and I remember it being as beautiful as those pictures suggest...I also got to drive through rural Vermont (the only remaining Walmart-free state in the country, I believe) and New Hampshire, but I was probably too anxious to get back home to my NES to fully appreciate it. :)