Has there been any progress in the Peace talks?

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Nov 19, 2001
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I know this is a site dedicated to music- but since this effects so much of your daily life- and my gov. policy- just wht is happening with the peace talks- will both sides finally agree to a new country? I recently read that Palestinians shot a bunch of soldiers- so missiles were shot in retaliation by the Israelis in into a refuge camp killing many innocents. I just think this eye for an eye violence has to stop soon- im sure you guys must think the same way.
Speed... Mate...
we`ve said it once and we`ll say it againe..
No Politics in out forum. PLEASE! We all hope and pray for this useless rotation of violance to end. That is what most people on both sides pray and yearn for, regardless to Leaders and Extreme groups.
please keep politics out of this forum. we`re here for the music!
thank you all :)
I dont think of it as politics- in fact I think the peace talks in someway affect everyone in the western and middle eastern world. I just thought since so many people on this board have and continue to have direct experience with all the problems over there- that you could shed some light on the subject- I am not that trusting of American media coverage- so I guess i would like to hear the real story. Sorry, but I did notice threads about independence day etc. so I naturally just thought anything went anymore.

I suppose you guys need an outlet out of the madness- and this site offers one.
Speedy, amigo... The Independence day has Nothing to do with politics! I wonder what makes you think it`s politics? its a national Israeli holiday!
We do not intend to blend anything related to politic.
If you`re so interested in such issues, you can try to find suitable channels on Mirc for example. As you may see this forum serves as a warm home for all OL fans from around the world. we have Fans that are much like Family members from the US, Spain, France, Hellas (greece), Turkey, Lebanon, Deutschland ect. and im sure that each and every one of those who live far from the south would like to know better of how things really are down here, but the hope for the forthcoming peace is bigger then our will to be nosy in sad minor details.
I do understand your thirst for closer look at the uneasy situation going on in the region, but this is not the right place to do so.
this room was created in order to bring people closer, by the unique music of OL, and by that music to make us all feel through it.
Well i understand that you are not going to answer the question- but I still dont understand why? Music- be it Orphaned Land or any other band has the power to be special- music and all these human problems of peace, love, war, etc. have gone hand and hand for millennia. Music has been used to bring about peace and awareness- and I see no reason why this shouldnt continue.

Oh well, sorry if I stirred something up- I really was just wondering what was happening over there.
It`s Verty simple my friend, you came up with a question that for some may seem like a way to show how brutal the IDF is, and for some others it puts down the poor palestinian people who suffers for the brutality of a minor terror groups. thats why i will not let politics into this forum. it will always hirt thie side or the other, thats exactly what you did in this thread weather if you were aware of that or not.
I agree with Folklore, if you ask me, no metter which Media it is, they will always lie and use manipulate for their own needs, I dont think that news and politics should be here - it takes two minutes and arguments and fight starts, this place is for Harmony and Love between everyone, there are so many places for politics, the orphaned land is not one of them...sorry
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