Hate Me!: Album version or single version?


New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2005
Cambridge, MA
So I had this debate with my boyfriend the other day, about which version was better. Personally I prefer the single version, but that's mostly because it was the first one I heard and absolutely adored.

In the single the keyboards are more prominent and Alexi sounds even more wasted.
It's also harder to decipher the lyrics.
In the album version Alexi shouts something incoherent ending in "motherfucker!" before the solo, which isn't in the single version.

So what are your opinions?
i can say 1 thing they are still both the same ,both have the same name,both are the same song, :p its just like alexi always plays a song a little diffrent onstage than the Recorded album version :p
I've seen the video lots of times. And I didn't know which version that was. The Single Version is fukkin awsome, definatelly better than the Album version:kickass: