Hateful - Mastered By Dan Swano!


New Metal Member
Oct 8, 2009
Modena, Italy
Hi everyone! I just wanted to know your opinions about my band's new song "Every Impulse Eradicated", taken from our upcoming album "Coils of a Consumed Paradise".
The album has been recorded by ourselves and mastered by the mighty Dan @ Unisound Studios.
Here is the link:
Of course myspace sound sucks massive cocks but I hope you'll find the song and Dan's touch interesting anyway!

Danny and Hateful
Guitar tone is OKAY, almost like a poor man's early 90's Swedish sound. The drums sound poorly produced & make it feel low budget sounding.

I don't see Glen Benton at all. Being a fan of death metal since 1990, frankly this does nothing for me. Sounds like it's been done to death (sorry for the pun) 10,000X over much better.

Did I listen to the songs more than 1x? No, but nothing grabbed me about it to warrant repeated listens.

Good luck :):):)
Can I have a bigger picture, please? My 24'' isn't large enough to see it. Anyways, took a listen to this shit, mainly becoz of the semi-great logo... Generic grunts, a few decent riffs and... Yeah. That was it.