Haul for a new year


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
With the combined Christmas & B-day cash I recieved recently, I went on yet another haul...

Here's it is!

Journey - Red 13
Porcupine Tree - In Absentia (YES!! I finally bought a PT album!)
Seventh Key - s/t
Axel Rudi Pell - Oceans of Time
Axel Rudi Pell - Shadow Zone
Armageddon - Three (an excellent suggestion from Bear!)
Dream Evil - Dragon Slayer
Pagans Mind - Celestial Entrance
Arachnes - Apocalypse
Elsephere - Blind Leading The Blind

And as a bonus, Andreas from The End Records, knowing how much of an elitest heavy metal collector I am, gave me a nice collectors item (which he shouldn't have! ;) ) along with a six pack of Guiness when he dropped by the B-day party Saturday.

Hammerfall - Crimson Thunder (comic book Ltd. Ed.)

What a guy! I owe him one!

..and is it just me? Or does Johnny Gioeli (Axel Rudi Pell/Hardline)sound a lot like Robin Mcauley (Ex-MSG)?

Originally posted by Demonspell
Nice haul...besides the PT, the Pagan's Mind, Elsesphere, and Armageddon are great (Embrace The Mystery by the last is much better than Three though!). And of course, you can't go wrong with Guinness. :)

Yes! Defiantly! So... do you know who carries the other Armageddon albums? I'd defiantly like to get those! And yes.. you can't go wrong with Guiness! So far the Pagans Mind is BLOWING MY MIND! :lol: If this is one of the bands Limb passed us up for, I can totaly respect that! They are amazing!

Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
How do you like that Arachnes album? What does it sound like?

Actually, it's pretty kick ass! At first glance it was not overly interesting, but by the 3rd or 4th spin it began to grow on me. It's almost like an early Rhapsody (without the cheese) with more balls and chunk, playing a bit more progresssive and less symphonic. The track "A New Breathing" is killer! Probably becasue there is a nice slap-bass section in the pre-chorus ;)


Get Embrace The Mystery as soon as possible! Three is good, but ETM is outstanding. Furthermore, Last Tribe vocalist Rickard Bengtsson is the vocalist on ETM. Chris does a good job on Three, but I like Rickard's voice much better.
