

Apr 14, 2001
Ihavent bought ANY cds all year, until today. They only had one cd on my list, I was pissed off severely so I just walked around Utopia picking stuff out, ill be damned if im walking out of there with only one cd after walking all the way there in the heat.

Divine Wings Of Tragedy - Symphony X

Abigail & Fatal Portrait 2in1 thingo - King Diamond

The Best Of - King Diamond (I think im FINALLY over laughing whenever King does that high voice of his. I think.)

Lugburz - Summoning

On A Storytellers Night - Magnum

The Past Is Alive - Dissection

Manowar: Hell On Earth Part 3 :rock:

No Judas Priest Electric Eye DVD, no Glorious Burden, no Vital Remains, no Decapitated and no The Almighty cds. Stupid idiotic store.
Utopia never has anything I want. They do it deliberately. I think they secretly want to go out of business :mad:
DravenMist said:
Just recently I saw Nihility in at JB Hi-Fi (of all places) for $39!!! What a fucking rip off...and it didn't even have the bonus Napalm Death cover that my copy did! Hopefully I won't get ripped off this time round.
Fuck man, that's a lot! I can't understand that because Earache has an office in Melbourne, so they should be getting local distro instead of being imported. The chick who runs the office is a member of UM and posts on the Earache board. Maybe get in touch with her and find out where you can get it at a reasonable price.
Ozzy Osbourne : Speak of the Devil , DVD with Brad Gillis of night ranger on lead ... pretty good quality seen a couple of clips on rage a few yaers ago when they played a Ozzy Special..........
Super.Not - Phlegmatic Sun
Mucky Pup - A Boy in a Man's World
Misdeamnor - Five Wheel Drive
Natas/Dragonauta - Split CD
Motorhead tribute cd - Built For Speed
Roadsaw - Nationwide
Mindset - A Bullet for Cinderalla
The Cold, The Silent - Doom Metal Compilation

all for $21 :rock: