Ihavent bought ANY cds all year, until today. They only had one cd on my list, I was pissed off severely so I just walked around Utopia picking stuff out, ill be damned if im walking out of there with only one cd after walking all the way there in the heat.
Divine Wings Of Tragedy - Symphony X
Abigail & Fatal Portrait 2in1 thingo - King Diamond
The Best Of - King Diamond (I think im FINALLY over laughing whenever King does that high voice of his. I think.)
Lugburz - Summoning
On A Storytellers Night - Magnum
The Past Is Alive - Dissection
Manowar: Hell On Earth Part 3
No Judas Priest Electric Eye DVD, no Glorious Burden, no Vital Remains, no Decapitated and no The Almighty cds. Stupid idiotic store.
Divine Wings Of Tragedy - Symphony X
Abigail & Fatal Portrait 2in1 thingo - King Diamond
The Best Of - King Diamond (I think im FINALLY over laughing whenever King does that high voice of his. I think.)
Lugburz - Summoning
On A Storytellers Night - Magnum
The Past Is Alive - Dissection
Manowar: Hell On Earth Part 3

No Judas Priest Electric Eye DVD, no Glorious Burden, no Vital Remains, no Decapitated and no The Almighty cds. Stupid idiotic store.