
Captain Insano
Feb 16, 2009
US of A
Since it's Halloween here in the states, figured I'd get in the spirit on here.

Have you ever had a piece of gear that acted strangely or irrationally??

I had a Marshall solid state when I was a kid that would pick up German talk radio, which is strange because there aren't any German radio stations that I know of in PA (at least not on any local stations).
Yeah, damn 5150 and its fu####g fx loop. Bass gone, volume gone and without doing anything....boooom there again. Spookyyy!!! o_O
My first practice amp (some totally crappy second-hand thing) used to turn on randomly. It would do it in my room while I was sleeping.

It also would pick up radio stations.

There were many nights that I would wake up and the thing had turned on and I would think that there were polish people in my room due to it picking up polish talk radio hahah :)
I thought its was a thread about the gear The Haunted use,like the thread for the Meshuggah sound hahaha!!

No haunted gear stories from me though...
Slipknot said, in an interview to Guitar World, that, while recording Subliminal Verses in the Hudini mansion, many spooky things happened there
There were many nights that I would wake up and the thing had turned on and I would think that there were polish people in my room due to it picking up polish talk radio hahah :)

That's chicago for ya.

One of my first guitars was a BC Rich V that did the whole radio station thing. But the weird part was, I could literally tune in different stations depending on where my fingers were on the fret board. I would get one station if I barred the 3rd fret and a different one on the 7th.

The studio I work at definetely has some freaky shit going on too. I constantly hear the sound of footsteps or pants swooshing out in the lobby when the place is completely empty and locked up. I also had an experience where I was alone and I looked away from the computer screen and for a split second I saw something standing behind me in the reflection of the window to the live room.
What's spooky for me is that none of my gear/computers has ever broken. Makes me feel like it will all go dead one day at the same time.

(I have received defective shit before tho)
I inherited a really nice luthier built V from one of my best friends that passed away in a car accident. I was out really late jammin' one night and had to be at work early. I forgot the guitar in the bed of my truck. I didn't notice until 10 o'clock break. When I opened up the case to check it a huge black widow spider charged at my hand. Those spiders usually try to get away instead of coming at you. That'll teach me for being a bonehead with such an irreplacable guitar.
My last recording sounds horribly nasal...like dave mustaine is haunting it. No clue why, I didn't change a thing.

Something a bit more spooky: I went to bed with my closet door locked. I woke up and it is wide open.
