Analog Gear - If you had to do it all over again...


Oct 21, 2011
I'm posting this in the hopes it will be a nice compliment to my earlier thread: Check it out!
The Most Complimenting Guitar/Bass

If you had to do it all over again, no doubt you'd have a better idea of what piece you'd decide to draw upon - specific to whatever task was at hand. The idea however, is obtaining the most utility out of invested gear over the course of years. This may get subjective, but I believe over the years you've all no doubt reached a consensus on what pieces of gear are typical one-trick ponies, and those that are all-around workhorses.

So if you checked out my previously linked thread, the idea was to go for gear that accommodated each other well come mixing time (toneswoods/pickups/etc) as a kind of one-time investment deal for starters. For this thread, I'm looking along the lines of rack-based gear such as compressors, preamps, etc. Let's exclude mixing desks for now :p This is a hypothetical upward trend, where you're only recording & processing one to two tracks at any given time, one day venturing to record a full set of drums, but in the meantime acquiring useful gear without pissing away money.

For example, some may suggest a Distressor as a good all around compressor for multiple tasks - which may impress upon others that it would be a good investment to acquire close to the beginning of your analogue journey. Whereas you likely wouldn't suggest to someone questing in the analogue realm to grab a high-end digital reverb unit nearing 4-5k USD and up. It would be a ways off our original path, and arguably narrow in focus towards the beginning.

That's what we're looking for! :)

Looking forward to your thoughts.