How do you tame GAS/Gear Lust?

I remind myself that I only earn 122 euros (171 USD) per month :lol: Being a student sucks for GAS :erk: Once I graduate and get a job, then I'll quench it by buying all the gear I've wanted :lol: Luckily there's not too much stuff. Just about 15k EUR worth of gear that I need :lol: Saving 500 EUR from the salary each month, that would only take about 2,5 years to fund fully, and then I'm set for life.

im in the same boat as you, haha
Well, being really prone to GAS and dirt poor is kind of a bad combination, so this is what I do:
1) Priorizing. I spend my money on stuff I need the most. Though sometimes it's hard to resist, but that's totally okay, because...
2) Selling stuff I don't need/use. For example, probably the only stuff I have collecting dust right now are two Ibanez stock pickups, which I'm actually attempting to sell right now.
3) I buy almost 90% of my gear used.
4) Upgrading. After having owned something for a while and figuring out what I want to upgrade to, I sell it and buy the next thing, which is usually just a little bit more expensive.
5) You sometimes find very good deals when buying used. I've often bought something for noticeably less than they usually go for, and then later sold it forward at the usual price, "earning" money for my next purchase. If the seller mentions that he's in a hurry, you should note that and try to get the price down a bit. Or if they simply don't know what they've got or don't really care.
6) Be generally cheap as fuck. Don't drink as much, eat cheaper food (which you obviously should make yourself), buy your clothes used (or at big discounts only) etc. and it really makes a huge difference.

Doing this, I've got relatively good gear already, considering I'm a poor student who's usually jobless (the civilian service I just finished definately helped me finance a lot of things though).
4) Upgrading. After having owned something for a while and figuring out what I want to upgrade to, I sell it and buy the next thing, which is usually just a little bit more expensive.

This is actually the bane of most AE's/musicians/hobbists: When you have something like a Presonus Firebox ($300 dollars), you eventually say, "Okay, I'll upgrade." So next you buy a Firepod and you're like "Eh, could be better." So then you buy a Profire2626 and then you go the RME Route and get a Fireface... How much money did you waste upgrading? This is especially true on amplifiers: Practice Amp->50W Solid State->Cheap Tube->Expensive Tube. Why not go right from practice to tube, you won't lose the money from reselling your mediocre gear. I only purchase things that are investments, in case I ever needed to sell them and so they will retain their value.
This is actually the bane of most AE's/musicians/hobbists: When you have something like a Presonus Firebox ($300 dollars), you eventually say, "Okay, I'll upgrade." So next you buy a Firepod and you're like "Eh, could be better." So then you buy a Profire2626 and then you go the RME Route and get a Fireface... How much money did you waste upgrading? This is especially true on amplifiers: Practice Amp->50W Solid State->Cheap Tube->Expensive Tube. Why not go right from practice to tube, you won't lose the money from reselling your mediocre gear. I only purchase things that are investments, in case I ever needed to sell them and so they will retain their value.

Yeah, agreed, that's why I buy used! When you sell used stuff forward, you can often get it sold at the same price you bought it for (if it's in the same condition, obviously). And as I mentioned, you can sometimes get good deals when you buy used. I did buy my FP10 new (tried to find one used but had no luck) as I did buy my Profire 2626 too, as it was so new then that there weren't any used ones around. Though I did get it from the UK for about €300 cheaper than it cost here in Finland because of the weak pound back then.

For example, my recent amp rig upgrades could be put this way:
1) Bought Valvestate 8240 for band practice amp for €80 (seller just wanted to get rid of it ASAP, he'd got it from a friend and he didn't even play guitar himself)
2) Sold Valvestate 8240 for €160 and bought Roland JC80 for €250 (seller was selling it for his friend who also just wanted to get rid of it)
3) Sold Roland JC80 for €350 and just now bought a Windsor for €250 and I've still got money left from selling the JC80 (which I won't be putting into a cab yet though, I need a stage tuner and new power supply for my Nova Delay, since I need them at our gig next month)

Now how much money have I lost? :cool:
So what's your cab then?

My cab? I haven't got one yet. Again, priorizing; I need the stuff I mentioned at the upcoming gig, but I can just borrow a cab if I happen to get need for one. I don't think I will, since we're not bringing our own amps at the gig, and I'm borrowing an amp at rehearsals (with permission). Why did I get just the head now instead of e.g. a cab first? Because I got the head used for a good deal and it's only been used very little.
"Why not go right from practice to tube"

for an experienced player with money, thats the optimal route. but for most, i dont think this would work. for one, jumping from a $200 crate practice amp to a $2000 Dual Rectifier is just not possible for many financially. and two, i think alot of times people grow with their equipment. i think knowing what good, better and best is comes with experience. you put the miles in on the crate, play around with a line6 for awhile and then find the things that you like/dislike that help you decide whats best for you... the Mesa, the Marshall, the Peavey, etc.

i just used gutar amps as an example, but i'll say i just went through this with mics. i've used about 8 diff mics over the last 4 years. i recently sold a much more expensive rode mic after getting a shure SM7 and realizing that it was the best "go-to" mic for me.
I always have major GAS for virtual instruments and plug ins and I can't help myself. They are like crack to me! I have to have and try everything. I've tried just downloading plug ins illegally to try to save money, but when I fall in love with a plug in, I always end up buying it. So I think being able to pirate this stuff has actually cost me more in the long run because I can try everything, but I can't use something day to day that I love without buying it. I own lots of synths like Omnisphere and I can't even play the piano! I once purchased an Eventide harmonizer just for the heck of it, because I thought I had to have it. Can someone help me control myself?!?! :0
I always have major GAS for virtual instruments and plug ins and I can't help myself. They are like crack to me! I have to have and try everything. I've tried just downloading plug ins illegally to try to save money, but when I fall in love with a plug in, I always end up buying it. So I think being able to pirate this stuff has actually cost me more in the long run because I can try everything, but I can't use something day to day that I love without buying it. I own lots of synths like Omnisphere and I can't even play the piano! I once purchased an Eventide harmonizer just for the heck of it, because I thought I had to have it. Can someone help me control myself?!?! :0

lol you are almost like a woman shopping shoes :yow:
I always have major GAS for virtual instruments and plug ins and I can't help myself. They are like crack to me! I have to have and try everything. I've tried just downloading plug ins illegally to try to save money, but when I fall in love with a plug in, I always end up buying it. So I think being able to pirate this stuff has actually cost me more in the long run because I can try everything, but I can't use something day to day that I love without buying it. I own lots of synths like Omnisphere and I can't even play the piano! I once purchased an Eventide harmonizer just for the heck of it, because I thought I had to have it. Can someone help me control myself?!?! :0


Now this is bad.

I feel you though. I want three different types of keyboard, non-weighted, semi-weighted, and fully-weighted, and I don't play piano or use keys in my music.

Semi-weighted is already copped, btw.

Now this is bad.

I feel you though. I want three different types of keyboard, non-weighted, semi-weighted, and fully-weighted, and I don't play piano or use keys in my music.

Semi-weighted is already copped, btw.

Ha ha! I actually re-read the part I wrote that you bolded and I laughed at it. I know, I really need to stop. At least now maybe you don't feel so alone?

I'm pretty happy with everything I have right now, but Voxengo just released polysquasher! ;) I have two 7 string, and 3 6 string electric guitars, plus a steel string and nylon acoustic, all of which I love,+ A 5 string bass. I own a $10,000.00+ HP workstation and I use Cubase 5 with the Cubase MR816 CSX DSP studio interface. It's all way more than I need in my little bedroom studio. I won't begin listing all my virtual instruments and plug ins. It get really ridiculous. I do have the Waves Mercury bundle. That should give you a hint. ;)
I always have major GAS for virtual instruments and plug ins and I can't help myself. They are like crack to me!

aha! so you've been cracking virtual instruments and plugins! thou shall be banned from the boardzz!!

aha! so you've been cracking virtual instruments and plugins! thou shall be banned from the boardzz!!

I'm not a programmer so I don't crack anything. The plug ins are like an addiction tho, Like a woman trying on shoes, but where can I go to try out all the plug ins I might wanna buy??? I have to try everything that comes out, and I will do anything & everything to try something out. And if I like it, I buy it. I legally own everything I use. Does that clear that up?
nothing to clear up, I was joking with you dude.

you said it was like crack to you so I accused you of using cracked software. Just kidding. btw for trying, there's always demos for plugins before buying. but yeah you could download them and if you like it buy it, whatever just please let's not start another "I crack for the good of the poor children of africa" debate
nothing to clear up, I was joking with you dude.

you said it was like crack to you so I accused you of using cracked software. Just kidding. btw for trying, there's always demos for plugins before buying. but yeah you could download them and if you like it buy it, whatever just please let's not start another "I crack for the good of the poor children of africa" debate

The bigger these instruments get (in file size), the fewer demos we can get our hands on. For instance, I don't know of many drum virtual instruments that have a demo, so I've bought most all of them. I don't have Oceanway. Same with Omnisphere. I heard a few amazing sounding soundclips from it but there are no demos for it, so I ended up biting the bullet and buying it.

Then I spend all my time learning how to use all the stuff I buy, then I don't end up being creative making music. I'm always telling myself... May as well not start anything until SSD 3.5 comes out.

It's a vicious cycle with me. I have to get everything, and if I have something and it isn't the best, I gas until I get it, and in the end I produce very little. :waah:
How tame GAS?

Buy a house and get laid all the time

tried it, helped a bit not that much (the getting laid, not buying a house)

The bigger these instruments get (in file size), the fewer demos we can get our hands on. For instance, I don't know of many drum virtual instruments that have a demo, so I've bought most all of them. I don't have Oceanway. Same with Omnisphere. I heard a few amazing sounding soundclips from it but there are no demos for it, so I ended up biting the bullet and buying it.

Then I spend all my time learning how to use all the stuff I buy, then I don't end up being creative making music. I'm always telling myself... May as well not start anything until SSD 3.5 comes out.

It's a vicious cycle with me. I have to get everything, and if I have something and it isn't the best, I gas until I get it, and in the end I produce very little. :waah:

Yeah I get you man, your a freaking maniac hahaha
"and in the end I produce very little"

i've found that GAS'ing can be counter-productive at times. thinking you need this or that and THEN you'll be able to write/produce/etc can be a stumbling block. there's something to be said about using what you have, working with it and finding creative ways to utilize it.

for example, i use reason. at first i went crazy downloading all the reasonfreak's patches, looking for those sounds that would inspire me. but after i made myself just sit down and use what i had, instead of GAS'ing for the next commercial disc of patches/samples, i spent more time learning the diff VI's and their capabilities instead of just the plug n play. i dont pretend to be anything but an advanced novice at reason, however, i'm better than i would be had i just continued to look for that perfect patch instead of trying to make the perfect patch myself.
i've found that GAS'ing can be counter-productive at times. thinking you need this or that and THEN you'll be able to write/produce/etc can be a stumbling block. there's something to be said about using what you have, working with it and finding creative ways to utilize it.

TOTALLY!!! Who cares if it's not the best??? Now if I could just get myself to really believe that! ;)

Yeah I get you man, your a freaking maniac hahaha

Yep, I think you got me pretty well actually. :)
Those French tiles can go, get some Chinese fuckers. That $200 a square meter carpet can fuck off, auction time it is. Those romantic getaways can go get fucked to, way to expensive, tie a bloody ribbon around your pecker, much cheaper. That top shelf shit can piss off, try a decent stout. GIVE UP SMOKING!
2 words ... Mi Goreng! Now after you have done all that, dont buy any food for a week. Go to your local supermarket, eat some salted cashews, grab an apple, then go down the drinks isle and drink a ribena. Always be on the lookout for those old moles serving little pieces of food joined together with a toothpick, tell her they smell and look beautiful and use both hands to grab 2 portions. Go down the clothes isle, put on a hat and return. (Does work 14% of the time). Repeat the above for 7 days twice a day.

Now after that, that triaxis or whatever it is you are gassing for has become easier to obtain. Step 2, ring all your debt companies up and ask for the lowest legal amount that you can pay a week! Tell them there is a recession on and being a casual, the work has faded away, (dont mention the gas problem). Now go home and convince yourself that you have more money to spare, but just cant raise enough funds. So sell that piece of shit tummy cruncher that your wife/girlfriend (or boyfriend if you barrack for Collingwood) has hidden under the bed that has been collecting dust for 3 odd years. Now we are getting somewhere.

So now we are only a couple of grand short, so go to your local music store, get it on credit through one of those take home today lenders, keeping the cash that you have saved and buy 10 smaller price gas objects you have been gassing for, like a ts7 or mogami leads. Take everything home, do a merry 5 year old "I just got some new toys" dance, plug the shit all in, hit record, play, listen back, then remember that thread that was posted here a while back saying that 90% of all tone comes from the fingers! You will realise your fingers sound shit, so dig into your pocket, find $50 laying around in there, buy a bottle of Jack Daniels and ring the EX back up and ask for her forgiveness! GOOD LUCK! Hope this helps.