GAS + confusion! What do i buy?


Apr 30, 2008
Hello everyone,

I really respect all those on these forums and even though i don't post much or even add too much when i do, i'd like to think i'm part of this forum..
I'd really like your opinion on my dillema so please read this through in its entirety.

Basically, i'm here in India and my father is visiting the US for some work in a few weeks. Like all those not from the US know, gear elsewhere in the world is usually 1.5 to 3 times and many a times not even available. So, i was thinking about asking him to get some gear for, its not like i need anything in particular but kinda gassing at the prices, so..

The gear i own right now is not great but i guess it ain't that bad either..
Kramer Striker FR424SM as a live guitar..
Douglas Spad Black + EMG81 in bridge for recording ( i know the page says basswood but the older model was produced as alder):
Line6 PodX3Live
Crappy local built 20watt starter amp with decent cleans.
So i realize my gear isn't great i've made a few recordings( and maybe want to upgrade..

The thing is i don't know what i should buy, an amp or another guitar? I'm just confused..
I want something of a good quality but can't spend too much (300-450 USD) so i'm looking for used stuff..
-If its an amp, i'm kinda confused between a Krank Rev Jr,a Windsor, a Blackhart, a HT5, Ergnator, and if possible, an e530. I won't be able to record too loud (probably removes the windsor from the list). Also, i'm not certain about getting a cab here,might need to get one custom built, so that makes it even longer before i can get some proper stuff running..
-If its a guitar, i'm confused between a Schecter C1 Hellraiser, Schecter C1 Classic, ESP EC1000, ESP EC500, ESP MH401NT/400NT, ESP EC2005 (similar to EC500 but 30th anniv. model), RGA 121NTF
-Upgrade the DI/interface device from podx3live to a Sapphire pro 24

See, i guess my guitar is the bottleneck for now since i hear a lot of bashing on the pods but have heard alot of good so i think there may be hope. But then again, how can i say for sure whether it is the guitar that sucks.. i mean, it plays nice, feels nice, sounds nice unplugged (i think) so...BraInFuCk!!

To add more complications, i'm at college about 1500km away from home. So, if i buy some of the gear mentioned above, i may not be able to bring it here. In essence, it'll be lying at home for 2-3 years before i can fully use it regularly. But, i don't know, i'm kinda gassing right now..

So, what would you advice?
From my experience, it's best to get a new guitar when you have that "uninspired" feeling or if you just have a shit axe, but with your's being emg loaded and all, if you are happy with it, go for an amp or something, that's what will get you new sounds. If you can't record too loud, you may regret buying an amp that needs to be cranked, unless you practice/gig often. Maybe a preamp would be the best choice for your situation, but I can't give you input on any because I've never owned just a guitar preamp, but I've heard some really good results :rock:

Edit: I just realized I forgot something, Im super high!!! Anyway, if you are using the pod as your interface to get your DI tracks, I would, hands down, recommend just getting an interface!!! The improvement in quality was astounding for me, and as long as you have a good interface to capture that DI you can get more than passable tones with all the badass amp sims and impulses floating around here.
I agree, look into an interface, and possibly an amp....

And FYI, all those amps you listed are loud as hell, not just the Windsor. If you want quiet, go with the e530 and run it into some impulses.
hmm.. so do you think the guitar is all right to record with (for home recording stuff)? i mean, i'm happy with it but i dunno, i guess its not at the quality of the guitars i'm looking at.. would it make a difference to the recording, playing,etc?
I thought the krank wouldn't be all that loud..
As for an interface, is there something available with 1/2 inputs but one that gets a good quality guitar DI signal (without having to buy a DI box..but will if necessary)?
Pods can be great for very specific tasks, but a new guitar won't help your sound much if your DI comes from the pod. Go with the engl preamp if your plan is to record just guitars. However, for the same price you can get an interface with 8 inputs or so, such as the presonus fp10:

I myself have one and it improved my recordings so much, as the interface replaces your soundcard and the quality of everything you put through it improves so much. You can even run your pod through it and it will sound much better than your current setup. Beware though, as presonus products can be a bitch where drivers are concerned and you may need to replace your computer's firewire chipset (new cards ranging approximately 40-60 dollars US). Also, since it has mic imputs you can fuck with vocals or have it to mic loud shit when you are able to.

I've been in your shoes, it's a rough decision to make lol. No matter what you decide with, you are going to feel like maybe you are making the wrong choice, or maybe that was just me :lol:

If you are interested in hearing the difference between an XT DI track and one made using the fp10 send me a pm and I'll see about digging up some DI's so you can compare them.
@jesse: so you mean the guitar ain't shit? also, a poweramp won't be possible anytime soon, so preamp->pod/interface->comp

@lodge: well, i don't need 8 inputs.. any suggestions on a simple and good 1/2 input usb (have a ricoh fw chip in the laptop) with which i may not need a DI box immediately (as in, one with good instrument ins)..Ande yeah, it was not just you, i'm so fkng confused about what all needs to be upgraded and what first (for most effect)..
Hey man!
Just to give you a pointer: Tell the guys in the music store where you buy the stuff to write you a fake receipt with a lower value, that way you wont have to pay as much in the customs!
Ah right, sorry dude, I forgot about this thread - I'd say your guitar is workable enough (the Douglas) as long as it doesn't have annoying fret buzzing or horrible intonation issues or something - since it's alder though, perhaps the EMG85 might be a better bet, but if you run the 81 at 18v that'll add in a little low-end beef and take away some of the sterility, so you should be good. Thus if I were you I'd go for a good interface first, and work with ampsims and impulses (really not keen on L6 sounds, yes they can be made to work well in mixes, I'm just so sick of the sounds of 'em). Once you have that, down the road I'd go for a Krank Rev Jr. and run that into impulses from the FX send! But interface first IMO (and the Focusrite Saffire 24, which I guess is designed to replace the white Saffire, looks good on paper, but as I mentioned in the other thread it's pretty untested - if you were to get the cheaper but still good quality Presonus Firebox, then you'd have some money left over for an amp!)