Haunted-style (AD/Bugera333/realmic'edcab content)


Jan 10, 2005
Been tweaking this mix for a bit now, a project I'm trying to start up but got tangled up in the mix of it so now I want to make it solid before I continue writing.


• Addictive Drums (kick replaced 100%, everything else inside AD)
• Gibson Faded Explorer (stock pups) reamped into Bugera 333 (ultra channel) -> Mesa oversized 4x12 -> SM57 -> 8pre -> Cubase
• bass if anyone cares is gibson->mp-1 clean patch->8pre->pitch shifted in cubase->ampeg svx

Other than the drum bus (master within Addictive Drums) compression pumping I'm digging this mix. This is my first mix using ONLY my monitors in this room, my hifi setup fried so I lost that A/B ability. Tear it apart please!
sounds good, but as you said, the pumping is almost too distracting to give you any more critique than that.

i dig the tone!

also, i hear a bad edit near the end on the guitars, sounds like you tried to loop the previous part but i can hear the cut fairly clearly. just a little fyi :)

good shit dude.
Sounds good :)
There's too much pumping and the mix overall is boomy probably because of the "bass". The kick gets drowned a little. I like the guitar tone :headbang:
Nice! It really got that The Haunted vibe going on! Not only the riffs but tone too. Some of the riffs timing is little bit off, but the mix isn't bad.
Bass make it a bit boomy. Cut some low freq's...or second option is that the bass is interfering with guitar's freq's.
what kick sample did you use?



Sounds nice, snare's a little weird to me, but it might just bit me.
I like the body of the tone, I prefer a bit more top end to it, but it sounds like a cool base to build on. What settings did you use? Thats basically the triple XXX clone right? I'm curious if they would play well with my triple XXX.
Yes it's a clone of a XXX. My friend has a XXX and we've A/B'ed them into my cab and we both thought the 333 had two advantages - a mid knob that did something and an altered tone stack. We both dug the 333 more for these reasons, my friend couldn't deny it, but other may prefer the XXX, it's all taste. I dig it, but I still want a 5150 haha.

I didn't spend too much time dialing it in or moving the mic around so I still need to try different settings on the amp. The kick samples are from some ZIP of a bunch of kicks somewhere on this forum. A bunch of kicks ripped off of albums, these are from Dissection. I also have a short, dance style subhit blended in for a slight 40Hz jolt each time, not too much.
By the way thanks a lot for all the comments and everything guys, I appreciate it all, it helps.
Cool guitar sound for a $500 amp! Could have a little bit more high end fizz for my taste, though. The riffing is cool, too (except for the timing probs at around 0:35). I like the sound much better than that of my (sold) Bugera 6260. If I haven't ordered an Axe-FX, I would go for a 333. I would dip a little in the 400 Hz-area though, just 0.5 - 1 dB.
The drums are nice, too.
The bass could have some more grind (maybe parallel distortion), but nevertheless is sits nicely below the guitars.
Overall the mix just lacks a little high end sheen. A Pultec or any other smooth EQ on the master bus with a bit of high shelf boost could help.