have anathema ever played at dynamo festival?

I think they did on the A4 four tour and there is a bootleg around on the net ! But maybe it's the dynamo club club you're talking about. I'm not sure :(
But I also think they played there again for Judgement ! Almost sure about it !
I remember hearing a bootleg record of alternative 4 (the song) where the piano part was briefly played with some 80's trumpet-sound by accident I guess :lol: What was that all about?

Oh, and I guess it was from dynamo (fest or a club, dunno)
cedarbreed, yeah, i have this bootleg and it is one i'm talking about. but it seems to me that they played at the festival in 2000 (after judgement) and they played "orion" then. but i'm not sure if it was really fest or just gig in the club.
cannot tell Sopel , sorry. I'm almost sure they played at 'The Dynamo' whether fest or club after judgement. And indeed they were playing Orion on that tour.
anathema have played dynamo festival twice as far as i know.

in 1996 on the friday night on the tent stage. they played at about midnight after pitchshifter and before neurosis. This was on the silent enigma tour.

in 1999 at the start of the judgement tour. this was when orion was played. (edit not 2000)

the dynamo bootleg is from 1998 in the dynamo club.

hmmm, strange i just found out that they played there in 1999 on the tent stage on Friday. Didn't find anything about Anathema playing there in 2000. Anyway, Sopel you can be sure now they played there ;)
now i think about it, it was 1999 not 2000. around the time judgement came out. the year metallica headlined.
i'm sure they've played Dynamo, coz i've seen interview (i have it on tape) for the dutch tv TMF 9 with Duncan and Vincent...but i'm not sure about the year maybe Dunc will tell?
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Ok, but what about the damn trumpets, has anyone else heard that? I almost wet my pants from laughin so hard :D

If you listen after the song is played, Vinny says something like this:
(sorry from my bad english gramma)
We appologise for the trumpets halfway through that song, didnt you leave that to My Dying Bride martin(Powell)!
it is on compilation cd - i never bought it ;) - will find it on kazaa...
Ivo! you better BUY that compilationdisc, its full of rare tracks, and its unfair to DL the whole thing, esp. if its from one of tour fave bands :eek: