Have fun in 'Laska!! I'll miss 'ya!

Maiden Afganistan

Linda's favorite Brother
Nov 14, 2007
Some stink hole in Afghanistan
I just wanted to wish you all a good trip to Alaska. I know you will have fun and rock the state! Tell them 'Laskans buying your CD AND DVD/CD is the way to go! lol!
I also wanted to thank each and everyone of the Maidens family for making my time back at home so much fun. I will miss everyone of you - Linda (Unch!), Sara (Ur a Star), Heather (Heth-AH! with an A to match the rest of the band), Wanda (You Never get the urge to play rock-a-billy bass on your Upright?), Aja (my other sister), Mark (hear me now), Chris (El Dumpero), R.J. (who keeps patting me on the ass?), Angel (hottest legs on you -tube), (Show-time) Sarah w/ a H, and David (we will hit $2K someday!) as well as all the cool people I've met at the shows like Brian, Matt, Dennis, Skott, and Meleni to name just a few and bands like Metal Brigade, Innocent Exile,Warryor (my new favorite band after the Maidens), Hard Echo, and Just like Priest to name a few as well. All just SUPER people!
Have FUN!:rock:
Take Care John!
I'd say "Have a good time" but when your putting your location as "some stink hole in Afghanistan" I think such words would be a chickenshit pleasantry.
So rather than "have a good time" I'll say "make a good time." This is a difficult task, I gather. But music helps. Share it with whoever you can!
Food helps too! Check your PMs for some assistance there!
Hey John (UNCH!!!) you're the best brother in the world. Please stay safe and insane and we'll all see you back here soon, or perhaps even sooner than we think if we ever head out your way! Who knows? Anything is possible. I miss you already. :rock:
Gotta love the Mortar Maggots! Some of the best guys I've met out there were Field Artillery, 525FA to be exact. Just the coolest, craziest, hardest working MoFo's around. While some were concerned about a gnarly mission they were going on, these guys were excited about "goin' hunting!"
Gotta love the Mortar Maggots! Some of the best guys I've met out there were Field Artillery, 525FA to be exact. Just the coolest, craziest, hardest working MoFo's around. While some were concerned about a gnarly mission they were going on, these guys were excited about "goin' hunting!"

Our Motar Maggots always had all the vehicles, us 11B's did all the walking! My poor feet!
What's up, John dude! You're already over there? Yikes! Well, hope you have fun fixin' those military vehicles. That must be badass workin' on that stuff over there! An oil change on a Humvee in Afganistan.....sure sounds better than my previous job! Nice talking to you at the shows. Don't forget, when you're getting ready to come back, send in the application!
I just wanted to wish you all a good trip to Alaska. I know you will have fun and rock the state! Tell them 'Laskans buying your CD AND DVD/CD is the way to go! lol!
I also wanted to thank each and everyone of the Maidens family for making my time back at home so much fun. I will miss everyone of you - Linda (Unch!), Sara (Ur a Star), Heather (Heth-AH! with an A to match the rest of the band), Wanda (You Never get the urge to play rock-a-billy bass on your Upright?), Aja (my other sister), Mark (hear me now), Chris (El Dumpero), R.J. (who keeps patting me on the ass?), Angel (hottest legs on you -tube), (Show-time) Sarah w/ a H, and David (we will hit $2K someday!) as well as all the cool people I've met at the shows like Brian, Matt, Dennis, Skott, and Meleni to name just a few and bands like Metal Brigade, Innocent Exile,Warryor (my new favorite band after the Maidens), Hard Echo, and Just like Priest to name a few as well. All just SUPER people!
Have FUN!:rock:
Thanks for the luv brother! I'm saving up some special "stank" for you when you get back to the world. :zombie:

Let me know if you need anything My Bro in law is a Captain in the Morale delivery business (army postal) so we can get it to you fast. Just remember to keep that Kevlar on your ass till we can get you back on the road!

Up The Irons!!
Hey all, thanks for the love! It should be a quick year and I promise to keep my head and ass down and covered if need be. I will know were my final location will be in a few days and post it here. Maybe some of you with cam corders recording the shows can send a copy on out so I can see what I'm missing and share it with these fine people out here. Been rocking my Maidens skull caps & t shirts here trying to spread the word! It would be cool to see the Maidens do some shows here as well. See you all soon!!:rock: