Well, have fun at Maiden people!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Just thought I'd wish everyone an awesome time at the Iron Maiden shows this year!

I know this may seem odd for someone who as flown/driven out to see seven Iron Maidens shows, but I just don't have a big desire to see Maiden onstage this time around. I WILL pick up the new album as soon as it is available, however!!!

The fact that there aren't any Maiden dates within easy driving distance of where I live is kind of irritating though...

Yeah I know the IM stageshows are awesome events, but I just am not feeling the need to fly/drive a ways to see them... besides I have Jen's voice stuck in my head and I want to keep it there for a while (until the tribute album is finally released - hurry up gals!).

Unless the gals end up playing fairly close to Nashville, I will most likely see the Maidens next around New Years Eve - assuming they do a gig at that time. But for now, Fates and ProgPower are the two events I'm looking very much forward to!!!